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Monday, 1 October 2012

October Sky / Golden Bridge 1

O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow's wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.
The crows above the forest call;
Tomorrow they may form and go,
O hushed October morning mild, 
Begin the hours of this day slow.
Make the day seem to us less brief.
Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
Beguile us in the way you know.
Release one leaf at break of day;
At noon release another leaf;
One from our trees, one far away.
Retard the sun with gentle mist;
Enchant the land with amethyst.
Slow, slow!
For the grapes' sake, it they were all,
Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
Whose clustered fruit must else be lost--
For the grapes sake along the wall.  

Robert Frost

Happy October everyone.

It is a glorious morning and a wonderful start to a new month.

October is the month that we typically reflect and express the nature of gratitude
more mindfully. The attitude of gratitude, as it has been dubbed. And it is an attitude. It requires an investment of heart, mind, body and soul to carry it off successfully.

It is an immutable law that what you give away will come back to you one hundred fold. The fastest way to receive something in your life is to give it away.
Whether it is Love, Time, material Abundance or Tolerance.

But your success relies on your INTENTION.

If you do anything for self serving purposes, it will be reflected in your external world very rapidly. It requires discipline and right action to formulate and develop an attitude of gratitude which yields abundance.

To that end, I felt it would be fun to devote the month of October to building a Golden Bridge that allows you to claim YOUR attitude of gratitude.

The Golden Bridge represents the upper path of spirit, mind and imagination. It is a device for bringing divine power into tangible expression in our everyday lives. It enables us to rise above the obstacles of the world and creates awareness, intention and purpose.

Each day will begin with an affirmation which can be reflected on for the day, as well as a Morning Projection and Evening Retrospection to strengthen the bridge. There will also be an aspect or quality to bring your awareness to.

This concept is taken from the book, Daily Power for Joyful Living ,
 by Dr. Donald Curtis. He is an outstanding leader and teacher of metaphysics and new thought teachings.

His request as stated in the book; is that the reader give away one copy per month to a friend, so that they may benefit and yield the harvest of the content.

This is my adaptation of giving you all a copy of the book.

Are you ready to build????

 OCTOBER 1, 2012


Golden Bridge to Life
 Morning Projection

My life lies stretched before me in smiling repose. This day I move one step forward toward my demonstration of complete and perfect good. I am guided and directed each step of the way throughout my long and beautiful life. I enjoy every moment of it. I am filled with the joy of constructive living. I thrill to the wonder and glory of Life. I live my life abundantly NOW.

As I go serenely and purposefully about the business of living, I act from the center of order and purpose within me. My thoughts, feelings, and aspirations are consistent with all that is true and fine. In working for my own good, I am also working for the general good. I construct my life on sound spiritual principles. I am right inside, therefore I can do no wrong. And so it is.

Evening Retrospection

Quietly now I review today's activities with a calm and introspective eye. I look at myself objectively so that I may interpret my thoughts, feelings and actions intelligently and honestly. I cleanse myself of all unworthiness. I dissolve all negativity. I free myself from all bondage and limitation. I cut through all confusion and congestion. I get my Life in order.

As I review this day's activities, I give thanks for this opportunity to grow and learn. I now see things in their proper perspective. I clean house this evening. As I relax and reflect, I set my house in order so that I am not burdened by any unworthy or unfinished business. As I wind up today's business, I close the office of my mind, leaving everything in perfect order.

As I reflect upon the beauty of life and the glory of God, I quietly and peacefully drift off into deep and refreshing sleep. My mind is filled with pleasant dreams. My house is in perfect order now. And so it is.

Life is the childhood of our immortality -Goethe

                              DAILY THOUGHTS ABOUT LIFE  
  • Live each moment as if it were both your first and last 
  • Life is inevitable. Relax and enjoy it.
  • The business of living is to attune ourselves to the free full flow of life which runs through everything.
  • There is no thrill like the thrill of constructive living
  • The will to live fills us with the energy of life.
  • Life is a personal matter. It us up to each one of us to live fully.
  • Your outer life is an expression of your inner life. 
 Namaste, Katie

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