I had some beautiful pictures set aside to accompany these words; but Spirit is not allowing me to upload any visuals. It is my cue to start honoring that my words are sufficient.
I am in a state of profound gratitude and awe this morning. It is all I can do to contain the pure Divine Love and Reverence I FEEL for all that is unfolding in my life.
This weekend had a profound impact on my growth and maturity; I won't even separate my spiritual and personal natures,,,, they are all one. There is no separation anymore.
I FEEL light, soft, content, happy, grounded, happy, loved, happy, loving, happy, loveable, happy,,,,,
Do you see the pattern???
I have never used the word happy to describe how I feel. It always smacked of co-dependency; like I needed something outside of myself to make me happy.
And in a way; I did. I needed the outside experiences to teach me how to find my way back into my Heart; which is where the happiness resides.
Thank you God.
Much Love, Light, Laughter, Joy, Abundance, Harmony, Peace, Joy, and Understanding to all.
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