Namaste, and Thank you.
First let me say that I don't believe in accidents or random events.In my world, ALL is in Divine Order; always, and in all ways. I also believe everything that HAS happened and WILL happen; IS happening right now. Eternity has no bounds of time and space. I experienced that first hand this weekend.
The "glitch" that prevented me from entering the daily installations of the Golden Bridge series; set into motion, a series of events which has allowed me to accept, heal, release and transmute, the last vestiges of my lower energy ego. I am still processing the expansion, and feel somewhat disoriented as the new Light assimilates into my body; but the feeling is amazing. I am home. I always was; but this new feeling is sublime. I feel more fearless than ever.
For those of you who just went ,"HUH"; I'll try to explain. Bare with me.
When I first had the idea for starting this blog, the intent was to share the news of what is in store for humanity as we embrace the Golden Age.
I wanted to share information of how to walk the path of self-mastery; in other words, how to be in the world and not of it. As I wrote each post, my courage waned a little, and I played it safe. I submitted posts that were authentic and important to me; but they didn't reflect the information Spirit was guiding me to share.
So it is with great courage that I share my world with you. I won't focus too much on how I got to this point, but rather give you a glimpse of my reality at present; a glimpse of what I call HOME.
I believe, that we are multi-sensory, multi- dimensional Divine Beings. As referred to in the Bible, the "many mansions" are indeed the infinite dimensions in the Cosmos. At one point in the evolution of the cosmos, we had access to those dimensions and it was common place to move among them freely. What happened in between then and now, is a story which will leave you gob- smacked and in awe.
In the subsequent years after "the fall"; humanity has been inching it's way back to the place where it all began. Back to the knowing that we are sparks of Divinity; back to living from a place of Divine Love.
Since early memory, I have always had a lingering feeling of melancholy and disconnect in relation to the world around me.I also had / have a very strong sense of social justice and desire to be proactive and co- creative in my life.I want to be part of the solution; a feeling of destiny as it were, to serve humanity in some way.
I was told at various times in my life that I think too much; ask too many questions; I use big words; I think I am better than others; I live in a bubble; I don't live in the real world; and many other scathing critiques. I am and am not all of those things. I don't feel superior, but I always felt different. Obtuse and abstract ideologies are less complicated for me to reason than simple instructions. I am not linear, but very tactile, empathetic; and have a heightened sense of awareness to the environment. All of these characteristics made it difficult for me to assimilate in the world when it comprised mostly of left brain concepts and expectations.
I now know that I am not alone in those feelings, and that they are residual effects of the memory and knowing that I lived on a planet that existed and lived in it's Divine Nature. It was a planet which vibrated at the Divine Love frequency which is now coming to fruition for our planet as we speak.
What I discovered is that I am a starseed . There are many of us, and we lived our previous lives on different planets and galaxies. I specifically resonate with the Pleiadian energy.
I know this to be true because the moment the evidence made itself known to me; was the moment I dropped to my knees in gratitude and cried tears of joy and relief. I knew in that moment that I wasn't crazy; and that all the years of feeling out of place now made sense.
The evidence; was a little paperback book called , Bringers of the Dawn , Teachings from the Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak.
This little book had been trying to get my attention for ages. Every time I went to Value Village and sorted through books, it would be there. Regardless of the section I was browsing in, it appeared. I always picked it up, but never bought it. On one occasion, it literally jumped off the shelf and landed at my feet. This time I bought it. There was no turning back after that.
I am very comfortable with my newfound knowledge and the responsibility it carries. I, and many like me; have chosen to be here on the planet at this time to help usher in this amazing new golden age. The responsibility in question involves learning how to dissolve the perceptual illusions of the three dimensional world; and learn how to master the new energies of the forth dimension and lower 5th dimension.
It involves divesting oneself of all the muck and mire of lower frequencies and energy; so that Divine Love and Light can enter into the body. Ultimately we can merge with our Higher Self, while still living on the physical plane. This has never been possible before now. This is called an Ascension, and is the last rite Jesus took as he left the earth plane.
In the 3D world, things happen and we perceive them based on our conditioning, judgments, and programming. In the 4D world, there is no time and space; events must be felt. In order to FEEL, one must shed the old paradigms, conditioning, and erroneous thought patterns that limit us and keep us trapped in the illusion. We must become seers.
And this is where the path of self mastery begins. To be in the world and not of it; requires one to become detached and free from ego and judgment. It isn't possible to access multidimensional information with linear 3D concepts and ideas. That is why " the work" has to take place in order to prepare yourself to receive and integrate the Light (information) and higher frequencies of Divine Love.
Prayer, meditation, clearing, releasing, transmuting are all the means by which to do this. It is up to the individual as to how they utilize these tools.
It is a never ending journey of awakening, assimilating and grounding new information constantly. It is a case of walking with God, every moment of the day.
I had an experience this weekend which catapulted me to the next expansion, or upgrade as I call it; of my initiation process.
As a result of a very unorthodox, but nonetheless divinely orchestrated event; I was able to experience myself on multiple time lines. I was actually conversing with myself in the past, present and future; while all the while sitting silently in my chair observing it all. It was surreal, and familiar all at once.
It was a culmination of a six week shedding of sorts. I still had small residual aspects of my ego; and some judgment issues to surrender and transmute. This particular event which transpired was the last push off the precipice I needed.
I just want to say that what is happening in the world right now is unprecedented. We are entering into an expansion of consciousness; a second wave of awakening. We as individuals and as a collective ;ARE the second coming of Christ. WE have within ourselves; that which we have always been seeking externally for. We are the Christ Consciousness; we have divine codings and activations inside our hearts which are now awakening.We will be able to access multi dimensions and live in a manner never before accessible until now.
It is an amazing time to be here. And we all chose it on some level. So whether you want to play out the game big or small, it doesn't matter. Humanity will rise, grow, and reach it's final destiny; of that I am sure.
I know because I was there.
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