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Friday, 26 October 2012

What's in it for me??? Everything


I have been in the silence for most of the day today. I have been puttering around, getting things done; but mindfully aware of some dust bunnies that have sprung up in my consciousness.
I call them dust bunnies now, because it is as easy as taking a swiffer and sweeping them out. I used to need an industrial strength vacum complete with various attachments so I could maneuver all the corners, nooks and crannies.
It's interesting how experiences which seemed so daunting and overwhelming to me in the (very recent) past; are now welcome exercises in my growth and evolution into BEING. I have never been terribly competitive (although some would disagree); but it is nice to collect GO and collect $200.00, each time I make it around the board.
The dust bunnies in question revolve around relationship dynamics. I have the opportunity to welcome a very sweet kindred spirit / soul mate into my life. It feels right, it feels long overdue and it feels scary too.
I have had a whirlwind two months of being exposed to different relationship dynamics which started when I joined an on line dating site. Wow. I learned very quickly what I desired, needed and wanted in a relationship. It was a very accelerated process of separating the wheat from the chaff.
Now, in the wake of this new dynamic; the one which does feel right, I find myself experiencing a little anxiety.
I am not a traditionalist with regards to relationships. I never have felt that one person can be everything to me. I feel it is important for people to have the freedom and expanse to grow and change interdependently; without judgment and interference. Every one has their own path, and a certain way that they will feel compelled to fulfill it. Our first responsibility is to ourselves; to become whole and complete, so that we can recognize and honor that in our mate.
So here is where my anxiety surfaced. This the first time in a long time where I have felt that this could be "it"; "the one" ; and as whole and complete as I thought I was..... stuff is coming up again. I know the spiritual principle behind it is in place for me to finally scootch those dust bunnies away once and for all.
 And I will.I want a relationship that represents the highest and best potential of who I AM, in all of my Divinity; I no longer want to base a relationship on the outdated paradigms and expectations of society.I simply want to BE a loving, supportive companion on someones journey towards their awakening. I want to live and experience with them; the joys and blessings that will unfold as a result of this knowledge.
So... what's in it for me?? Everything, because we are a unified consciousness. If I make an investment in sharing my energy with someone; it is my duty to take personal responsibility for my healing and growth, so that I can make a positive contribution to the relationship. It is also their responsibility to do the same.
The tricky part is doing it from a place of unconditional love and surrender. I know intrinsically that I will benefit from this universal law, but it is not the reason for doing it. It's a tough one.

O.K,,, maybe I might need the Dirt Devil on this one :)

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