Namaste, I hope this finds you well. :)
I am not a very linear thinking person, and it occurred to me today that perhaps I haven't given much background info on my spiritual journey and why I have come to end up here, on your computer ; in your private space.
Thanks by the way for making me feel welcome:)
I am not a very linear thinking person, and it occurred to me today that perhaps I haven't given much background info on my spiritual journey and why I have come to end up here, on your computer ; in your private space.
Thanks by the way for making me feel welcome:)
I realize I touched on it a little bit in my intro, but it is fun to share; and you just never know how it might impact someone else's perception.
First off it is worth noting that I am somewhat of an efficiency freak. Not in an ocd way; but in a smart, mindful way. I value time, energy and resources, so if I can do something in two steps; I don't use four.
And so it has been with my journey of self development and spirituality. I use what I call, the Kinder Egg approach. I take a very large idea, and pare it down to a smaller, more manageable version; without compromising the integrity of the original plan.
It all started with my desire to seek. I wanted to learn how to hear " the still small voice within" ie. God, Spirit, Source, All that Is, I AM presence, Prime Creator; give it whatever name you are comfortable with. It is the Christ consciousness which exists in all of us.
My background growing up was Lutheran, and it gave me a brilliant left brain background of the Bible. I was fairly "religious" up to my late twenties and then it tapered off for a bit. At that time it was more popular to address issues with personal / cognitive therapy, so I dealt with several ongoing challenges using those methods of healing.
It wasn't until I was living in Australia and became a Massage Practitioner, that I became more aware and involved with alternative healing modalities and therapies.
The big shift came after I gave birth to my oldest son. I had postpartum depression which subsequently lasted; in varying degrees of severity, for ten years. It was during that time that I started expanding my awareness towards Spirituality.
My Angel; and there is NO doubt in my mind that she was an angel, appeared to me in 1998.
I was practicing massage from home and she was a first time client. After the treatment , she came down into the living room where I had been waiting for her; and we started chit chatting. It was a very organic and free flowing conversation, and before I knew it we were cozied up in chairs having a very philosophical discussion. She imparted a great deal of wisdom, information, and knowledge which simultaneously made my jaw drop and my heart pound. She knew things about me.
She made her way to leave, and was just about out the door when she added one last bit of information. She mentioned a little book that was popular at the time, and suggested that I might have a read of it. She said I might find the answers I was looking for in there. GULP.
I bought the book, and the follow ups; and like the man said.... the rest is history.
I found my answers, I found some more questions, and then I found that there was lots of work to do.
Thus began my journey to connect with the Divine aspect of myself. It has been quite a ride, fraught with much upheaval and challenges, but I wouldn't trade any of it , or do any of it differently.
The biggest shift for me came when I was introduced to Unity; not to be confused with Unitarian. Unity was founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, and they are among the pioneers of the late 19th century; which teach practical Christianity. It takes bible teachings and interprets them metaphysically; allowing the student to learn the Truth behind the literal teachings.
Unity was a springboard which launched me towards studying Ernest Holmes, Emilie Cady, Eric Butterworth, Emmett Fox and many others who teach about our subconscious connection to the Divine.
This created a domino effect which has led me to study religions from the East and the West.
Currently I am following an initiation path which requires a lot more discipline and involves divesting myself of ego, personal will and attachment to the "illusions" of the physical world.
I am very intuitive and an empath. I work with angels, the Ascended masters and wise teachers from multi-dimensional realms that assist humanity at large; as well as individuals, to Awaken.
I am very steadfast and diligent about gaining the knowledge I need in order to fulfill my piece of the Cosmic Puzzle.
I read voraciously; I extract, assimilate, discern, meditate, pray and then do it all over again. If something resonates in my heart, I keep it ; if not I dispose of it. Along with that comes a great deal of discipline to heal, release and transmute the energy that blocks me from hearing the still small voice of God. This energy is quantifiable and real. It is in the form of old wounds, conditioning, old programming and erroneous thoughts. It literally forms a barrier around our bodies and prevents clear and accurate information from coming into our awareness. This is the energy; that if not acknowledged, healed, released and transmuted; manifests as sickness, dis- ease, and mis-alignment in our external world.
Currently I am following an initiation path which requires a lot more discipline and involves divesting myself of ego, personal will and attachment to the "illusions" of the physical world.
I am very intuitive and an empath. I work with angels, the Ascended masters and wise teachers from multi-dimensional realms that assist humanity at large; as well as individuals, to Awaken.
I am very steadfast and diligent about gaining the knowledge I need in order to fulfill my piece of the Cosmic Puzzle.
I read voraciously; I extract, assimilate, discern, meditate, pray and then do it all over again. If something resonates in my heart, I keep it ; if not I dispose of it. Along with that comes a great deal of discipline to heal, release and transmute the energy that blocks me from hearing the still small voice of God. This energy is quantifiable and real. It is in the form of old wounds, conditioning, old programming and erroneous thoughts. It literally forms a barrier around our bodies and prevents clear and accurate information from coming into our awareness. This is the energy; that if not acknowledged, healed, released and transmuted; manifests as sickness, dis- ease, and mis-alignment in our external world.
I think of it like radio reception. In order for me to get the best reception ( to Creator) I need to get rid of the static. The static is my "stuff". Getting rid of the stuff is what trips people up the most. But when you truck through that bit,,, I guarantee you, you're Gold.
This blog is my way of serving. I love information. Gathering it , dissecting it, challenging it; and I have come to realize that I love imparting it. This wonderful tool allows me to enjoy a creative outlet and share some of myself with you. You have free will and free choice as to whether or not to read it , and I don't get rejected!!! It's win win :) :)
There is no doubt that humanity is moving into an unprecedented shift of consciousness expansion. Old paradigms, structures and systems that served us well in the duality world of the last AGE (pisces) ; are quickly crumbling. We are moving into an age of Unified Consciousness and Divine Love.
We are moving into , THE AGE OF AQUARIUS
We are moving into , THE AGE OF AQUARIUS
Oh, by the way, I never saw my Angel again. I called for a follow up appointment and the line was disconnected.
Thank you for letting me share.
Blessings of Love and Light,
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