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Friday, 28 September 2012

Namaste my dear friend,

Thank you for taking the time to join me. I trust you are well. I wanted to share my favorite poem with you. I fell in love with it as a preteen gal, and have carried it in my heart ever since. It is also the first poem I ever memorized; not because I was required to for school, but because the words acted like a salve on my heart every time I recited them. They brought me solace, validation and permission to walk the path differently than those around me. As I look back at my poetry and journal entries, it is evident that my quest to reunite with Source began very early. I always felt like there was something more authentic and all encompassing to embrace other than what the reality of the world was offering.I felt disconnected, displaced and disheartened for a long time. My religious upbringing was traditional and limited. The ritual and educational aspect satisfied my left brain, but did precious little to fill the gap in my Heart. It was a start though.

I look back and ruminate over the events that fill the gap of time from then to this NOW moment as I sit and write this. It has been quite a journey and yet I couldn't even begin to detail the specifics. I simply remember the essence of the knowledge and lessons I learned . I carry with me no anger, bitterness, guilt or sorrow. What I do carry is a pure, soft , warm feeling that permeates every fiber of my being. This is my greatest gift, and treasure. It is what I describe to many as the quintessential payoff for choosing to walk the Path of Self Mastery; it is the feeling of simultaneously being erased and absorbed.  The feeling of knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am supported, loved and provided for.

I still read this poem often, and each time it evokes a different feeling. I have changed and the poem changes with me. In my younger days it created an empowered feeling, letting me know I had choices and didn't have to conform. Now I read it with metaphysical eyes and interpret it to symbolize the choices we make as we wend our way up the path to our Awakening; the yellow wood represents our faculty of wisdom and the divergence of the road represents the many aspects of ourselves that we embody. Even though the path appears linear, it is in fact an infinity loop of endless expansion and retraction. It may seem as though we have stretched out and arrived at our destination; only to realize that we are back again where we started. Albeit with an expanded perspective and understanding.

With September quickly drawing to a close, I give thanks. Not just because Thanksgiving is coming up, but because this has been the Sweetest September in recent memory. I have been gifted with many opportunities to stand in my Truth and to remove and transmute energies which have not been serving me. I feel blessed in ways I didn't know possible.

I bid you farewell for now my dear friend, I will see you on the untrodden path. I sigh as I impart these last words; but it is a sigh of relief not weariness. You chose the road that made a difference and I am eternally proud of you Katie. I love you.


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