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Monday, 5 November 2012

When the student is ready the teacher appears; when the teacher is ready the master appears, and when the master is ready the student appears...

I've been gifted with many opportunities to Stand in the Truth of who I am of late. They have felt somewhat tender but not incapacitating. Like pressing on a bruise. A little ouchy at first, but the feeling subsides quickly.

I can sit here now and smile at the beauty of how and why the situations presented themselves, but I felt blind sided and pole axed there for a few days wondering what energy I was putting out to attract them.

I believe and KNOW from past experiences, that I Am a co creator in my life. I have the capacity through my sub conscious mind; to align myself with energy vibrations that will attract and create my desired outcome.

This is why I don't believe in random events and/or accidents. On every level, our thoughts...regardless of how small that piece of shrapnel is; can do massive amounts of co lateral damage.

It is not a punitive or selective process which dictates the outcome, but pure energy and vibrational alignment.

It should be noted that it is the thoughts we persistently and actively believe in our hearts to be true which are the ones that will be externalized in our outer world. " As a man thinketh in his Heart..."

We have a kazillion thoughts going through our noggins daily; thank goodness there is a delay button on the universe.

It is also no accident that my eldest and I have been having this same conversation in one form or another forever.

Lately, he has been actively ( only he doesn't know it) testing and succeeding in manifesting his desired outcome in various situations.

He was wheeling and dealing his way towards possessing a new X-box game with some eager bidders on Kijijji this past weekend. He put the play into motion and then walked away and forgot about it.

We went to Wal Mart that same day, and guess what he "found"? The game he wanted with a sticker price that was less than what he was going to pay on Kijijji. Then we got to the cash and when it was rung through it ended up being five dollars less than the sticker price. OMG,,  he looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.

He hasn't stopped talking about it yet and I know that if I reinforce the "spiritual" aspect; he will roll his eyes and counter it with some theory on how our brains collate random events and tries to string them into sequence..... same thing as far as I'm concerned.

The kid's a natural; and the kicker is that he knows how to engage a vital part of this process without realizing it. He is able to set his intention,,,,, and then forget about it and surrender to the outcome.

Many people get hung up on this law of attraction stuff. They feel it is a easy way to get what they want. And on some level it is. We aren't meant to be pious and poor on this amazing journey; " Seek first the Kingdom of God, and ALL else will be added unto you"...

But the acquisition of the external material"stuff" isn't , or shouldn't be; the impetus or reason for doing it. It is rather the resultant quality and feeling we acquire that motivates us. The feelings of security, love, independence; etc.

It is vital that we master the power of our subconscious mind and understand how to tap into that goldmine. This is the answer to everything. Once you are in perfect alignment and understanding of what you want to create within Your Sacred Heart; all else in your external world will be in alignment with, and a reflection of, that vibrational field of energy.

That's not to say you're not going to have glitches and hiccups every now and again. This is when you have to take responsibility and do what I call the backward domino approach.

I imagine tapping a black domino which subsequently sets into motion a series of other red dominoes. With each domino that falls, I take account of what thought or action was in place to create the outcome. Ultimately it leads me to a thought which I held in my energy. Having this information and understanding why the particular outcome happened; allows me to rectify the "perceived" damage, and get back on track.

This was the case with a series of recent events which really had me doubting myself.I know in my Heart that everything I do is so I can align myself with the aspect of myself that is God. I always seek the Highest and Best in every aspect of my life and desire only that which is a reflection of the Best of Me, to come into my life.

So it rattled me that I had been having challenges with attracting a male energy into my life. I know that this is an area which I have needed to heal and forgive; and I know I have. Yet I kept attracting individuals who were not resonating for one reason or another.

I beat myself up and as usual put too much emphasis on what I was doing wrong, rather than what was Divinely Right with the situations that I continued to present myself with.

It was no accident that information kept falling (literally and metaphorically) into my path.

I know now that the circumstances were in place to teach me how INVINCIBLE I AM... not how vulnerable.

I am trusting my intuition, acting on it , processing the information, getting right back up and in the saddle again, with my Heart open wider and with more clarity and insight than ever. I am forgiving and loving myself faster and blessing and loving the individuals who came into my awareness to play their part. I know that very little of what I do comes from a place of ego; I truly want others to feel and see the love that is available to them from Source, but this is their journey to take; not mine. I accept who I am in all my beauty, splendor, grace and humility and know that my intention is always to be an expression of God.

I learned that my Divine humanness does not preclude me from wanting to have a loving physical relationship, and that I am not settling for anything less than the best for myself. I learned that I had been compromising on the qualities of what I truly desired, because I had been feeling vulnerable; and I was vulnerable because I was feeling like I was lacking something,,, and I was. PATIENCE and TRUST in Divine Order.

The very quality my eldest son and greatest teacher demonstrated this weekend.

See how the thread always comes back to SELF.

We always have free will and choice,,,, we can choose to reflect the Light of the World; or BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, but at some point we have to shine the Light on ourselves.

Be kind to yourself dear friend; and know that you are always supported and loved.

Blessings of Joy, Laughter, Love and Abundance as you open your Heart and Mind to all the infinite choices and beauty of the Universe.
And so it is.


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