‘Sacred HeartGate’ by Saleena Ki – www.VibraKeys.com
“You will discover that certain powerful truths are all accessed
through that tiny little sacred space of your heart.
It is through this gateway that you enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is the way to enter with the companionship of your body.
The body holds the door, the gate, and the stargate inside it.
No more leaving it behind to find the secrets & mysteries.
It contains the way: the heart.
The heart is a powerful key. The key turns easiest with love.â€
MaRi Magdalene through Saleena KÃ (text surrounding image)
Here we are …
HeartFires blazing,
Gateways activated;
Gracefully initiated,
we grow and go into the Heart of Love.
We are Disciples …
disciplined in the Art of Living through the Heart.
Inhaling Love
Exhaling Gratitude
we suffuse body, mind, spirit
Yes! All Creation
with Life affirming vibrations.
Worlds within worlds
flow-er through the Unified Field of our Being
and in the silence of All that IS, we remember …
We are Love always.
We are Love All-Ways.
Ashne ate … We are Love always.
For today …
Create sacred space to enter the silence.
Breathing into and through the Gateway of the Heart,
feel the HeartFire powering up.
Experience the radiance of this Source Light
suffusing the wholeness, the Holy-ness of YOU
with Love and Gratitude.
With each breath,
this radiant Love and Appreciation draws you deeper into center.
In this sacred space, where silence unveils mysteries,
listen again
then listen deeply.
Settling into this space of Inner Knowing,
experience the AnthropoSophia — Higher Wisdom of Humanity –
flowing through the HeartFire Gateway
and witness what comes thru.
Fully present to the Power of Now,
observe and allow
the guidance and sacred visions Spirit is bestowing upon the world,
through you.
With Humility and Gratitude,
accept these visionary gifts
and know these are gems of infinite worth …
intuitively designed to assist, empower and enhance a thriving Life;
B’earth Rites of the Divine.
Impeccably acting upon vision, promptings and gifts you receive …
One Day
One moment
One Thought, Choice, and Action
One Breath at a time …
you illuminate the World
and are a Portal for Love Divine.
HeartFire Gateways are WE.
As we complete this 42 Day journey,
please journal and record what comes thru for you.
Consider how this HeartFire Gateways initiation has empowered,
illuminated or been of service to you.
What subtle (or not so subtle) shifts have you witnessed,
in your personal life, family and communal life, and the world around you?
Tap into the single, most powerful experience, insight or ah-ha!
received in this journey. What then is it? What is this for YOU?
Allow the full-spectrum Beauty of this universal-yet-personal gift
to unveil Higher Wisdom and further illuminate the Way.
Remember, what flows through is unique to you … Divinely designed
and perfectly timed to assist our transition, guide our missions and
Illuminate the Way.
Thank you, Beloved, for the radiance you shine into the World.
Thank you for opening the HeartFire Gateway,
and being a Portal for Love to flow through.
Thank you, Beloved, for being YOU.
*** Ashne ate is Apache, and means ‘We are Love Always’
It is phonetically pronounced:
Osh-Nye Ett-Ay
We are Love Always.
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as inspired. We simply ask each message remain in its original
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us for the full 42 day journey? As so, go here to begin:
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
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