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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

" Heart Fire Gateways are WE!"

‘Sacred HeartGate’ by Saleena Ki –

“You will discover that certain powerful truths are all accessed
through that tiny little sacred space of your heart.

It is through this gateway that you enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is the way to enter with the companionship of your body.
The body holds the door, the gate, and the stargate inside it.
No more leaving it behind to find the secrets & mysteries.
It contains the way: the heart.

The heart is a powerful key. The key turns easiest with love.”
MaRi Magdalene through Saleena Kí (text surrounding image)

Here we are …
HeartFires blazing,
Gateways activated;
Gracefully initiated,
we grow and go into the Heart of Love.

We are Disciples …
disciplined in the Art of Living through the Heart.

Inhaling Love
Exhaling Gratitude
we suffuse body, mind, spirit
Yes! All Creation
with Life affirming vibrations.

Worlds within worlds
flow-er through the Unified Field of our Being
and in the silence of All that IS, we remember …

We are Love always.
We are Love All-Ways.
Ashne ate … We are Love always.
For today …
Create sacred space to enter the silence.
Breathing into and through the Gateway of the Heart,
feel the HeartFire powering up.

Experience the radiance of this Source Light
suffusing the wholeness, the Holy-ness of YOU
with Love and Gratitude.

With each breath,
this radiant Love and Appreciation draws you deeper into center.

In this sacred space, where silence unveils mysteries,
listen again
then listen deeply.

Settling into this space of Inner Knowing,
experience the AnthropoSophia — Higher Wisdom of Humanity –
flowing through the HeartFire Gateway
and witness what comes thru.

Fully present to the Power of Now,
observe and allow
the guidance and sacred visions Spirit is bestowing upon the world,
through you.

With Humility and Gratitude,
accept these visionary gifts
and know these are gems of infinite worth …
intuitively designed to assist, empower and enhance a thriving Life;
B’earth Rites of the Divine.

Impeccably acting upon vision, promptings and gifts you receive …
One Day
One moment
One Thought, Choice, and Action
One Breath at a time …

you illuminate the World
and are a Portal for Love Divine.

HeartFire Gateways are WE.
As we complete this 42 Day journey,
please journal and record what comes thru for you.

Consider how this HeartFire Gateways initiation has empowered,
illuminated or been of service to you.

What subtle (or not so subtle) shifts have you witnessed,
in your personal life, family and communal life, and the world around you?

Tap into the single, most powerful experience, insight or ah-ha!
received in this journey.   What then is it?  What is this for YOU?
Allow the full-spectrum Beauty of this universal-yet-personal gift
to unveil Higher Wisdom and further illuminate the Way.

Remember, what flows through is unique to you … Divinely designed
and perfectly timed to assist our transition, guide our missions and
Illuminate the Way.

Thank you, Beloved, for the radiance you shine into the World.
Thank you for opening the HeartFire Gateway,
and being a Portal for Love to flow through.

Thank you, Beloved, for being YOU.
*** Ashne ate is Apache, and means ‘We are Love Always’
It is phonetically pronounced:
Osh-Nye  Ett-Ay

We are Love Always.

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Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so: AutoResponders

Monday, 26 November 2012

" Experiencing the Silence "

Tune in and record what comes thru for you:

When I experience the Silence, I remember â€¦


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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together! AutoResponders
"Nurturance "

How do we sustain and nurture the HeartFire?
How does this serve the highest good of One and All?
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together! AutoResponders
"Welcome Home"

artpeace ˜Three Fold Flame by Diane Neubauer -

Breathing into the Heart
¦ silently centering,
accessing All that IS within a
open the HeartFire Gateway
and feel the Light of Love
unveiling and illuminating the vast beauty
of the Great-Full-Ness
of YOU.

Witness all that rises through the eyes of Gratitude.
Now let this Light of Love, the HeartFire within,
guide you through the Gateway.

Breathe deeply, freely and know
You have arrived.

Be still, silent, allowing
enjoy the time of settling.
Well-Come home, Love.

How does it feel to come home to Love?
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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together! AutoResponders
"Merging worlds "

One candle lights another, and Light is multiplied.
One HeartFire sparks another, and our Gateways open wide … and wider.

As we connect our Hearts,
worlds within worlds merge into One …
a Great Coming Together

What happens when we allow ourselves to fully open
to the Love of others?

How does reality shift when we gift our Light to our
Sisters and Brothers?
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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together! AutoResponders
"Holy Light"

Holy Light
Wholly Light
Whole Ye Light
shining within Thee.

HeartFires bright,
we flow through open Gateways
and remember
Love is our ever-present Reality.

Here and Now.
Ahhhhh … Home. AutoResponders

"Sacred Spaces "

As the Heart is a sacred space,
how does this bless the places we roam?

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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together! 

"Love is our living prayer "

By the Light of Divine Love
our HeartFire burns bright;
Faithfully Opening Gateways of change,
Life is renewed
we are the continuance of Life.

Love is our living prayer.
Entering the Silence today,
feel the merging of past and future
opening a Gateway at the Heart of Now.

In this space of the Great Coming Together,
where we are One with All that IS,
settle into the experience of renewal
  Healing Complete
recapitulation of the Divine patterns of creation.

By the Light of the HeartFire, what do you see?
What Beauty is revealed to Thee?


Sunday, 18 November 2012

live it, give it, grow it, show it,,,,

" Love, speak to me"

Love speaks thru us, as we are willing to:
HeartFire, Power Up
Enter the Silence
Access Inner Knowing
Receive vision and guidance
Take action on what we receive

Now imagine what happens as multitudes
open our Sacred Hearts and choose to be
Gateways for Love to flow.

Beyond imagining, One by One,
we live it,
we give it,
we grow it,
we show it …
We are Love always and all ways.

Loves HeartFire Gateways are We.
When scanning the heart/body/mind, do you find areas
where you are less than receptive to the flow of Life?

Are you willing to open, let go and surrender to the
flow … let yourself be drawn to what you Love, and live it?


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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

May your actions today strike a chord in the sacred heart of all you meet. Today's Solar Eclipse and new moon is a fortuitious and powerful time to set benevolant intentions. How do you want your vibrations to manifest???? Namaste

"Vibrational Gateways"

Each note, word, tone, thought and emotion
has a geometric, vibratory signature.

Just imagine ...  if these images (above) reflect single notes
from a piano string, what do the geometries of our beating
heart look like?

What mysteries are revealed in every beat of our Heart?

What geometries are we weaving, what gateways are opening

... right now?


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
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Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!  

Monday, 12 November 2012


" Body of Divine Light "

For today ...
Look into a mirror.
Gaze eye to eye, heart to heart
with the body of Divine Light before you.

Allowing the gaze soften,
releasing focusing on one thing,
allowing everything to be seen with the Heart ...
send a pulsing Light from your Heart Fire
to the Heart Fire of the being before You.

Feel the incoming energy ignite, excite and illuminate
the Divine Body of Light,
creating fractal waves informing the Unified Field
that the Heart Fire Gateway is open,
and Love is coming thru ...

to You,
as You,
for You.
For One and All.
Now imagine pulsing a Light from your Heart Fire
into the Heart Fire of all you meet today.

How are our daily experiences and exchanges enhanced
when we open our Heart and honor the
Divine Body of Light in ourselves and others, too?


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!   

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Sakamoto/Sylvian-Heartbeat //// Listen to the Heartbeat

"- Listen ..."

Listen ...
to the space between each breath
to the gap between each beat of the heart
to the chasm between each thought

and let the mysteries of Life
flow through the Gateway of the HeartFire
... and Illuminate you, the world, yes ...
all of creation, too.

What mysteries are calling to be unveiled today?
Listen, listen again, listen deeply ... openly,
fully, presently, wholly and completely.

Receive Love's wisdom with Gratitude, and
go forth knowing you are ...


The mystery unveiled.


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
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Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!    

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Life will always rise up and conspire to inform our choices... what do you choose today? Love and Light to all

"Conspiracy of Love "
Conspire:  vb ~  to breathe together.
With each breath, we conspire with Love
to open our HeartFire Gateways.

For this today ...
Breathe into the HeartFire, the Light of Love that lives
at the center of each breath.  Feel all the elements of the body
breathing together, conspiring to act in Harmony ...
pulsing Life force energy into and through the sacred temple
of the body.

Now be still in this center-point, between in-breath and out-breath,
Creating space ... openness ... room for Love to gather and flow.

Breathe in ... hold ... Breathe out.
Breathe in Love ... hold this Love,
feeling it flood in the inner space of your Being.
Release with Gratitude.

When present to this space between the Breath,
filled with Love,
what changes in the quality of experience?

What wisdom comes thru, when we allow ourselves
to settle into the stillness, into the silence, into the
Heart of the flow of Love?


Feel free to play these HeartSparks messages forward, and share
as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

Did you receive this message as a forwarded gift? Wish to join
us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!    

Friday, 9 November 2012


This is for those of you, who (like me) feel like you don't fit in because your perspective and opinions are less than popular. 

Take heart, this information made itself known to me at precisely the right time(thank you dear friend). I trust it will find it's way to whomever needs to hear it . May it be a salve on your Sacred tender Heart; as it was on mine.

We are all one Heart. Be gentle with yourself; and others.

Much love and Light to all who have participated in my Experience thus far. I am so blessed to have you all.


The Lightwarrior - SimilarShare
Shared on Google+. View the post.
Lightwarriors: those who make known all sides of any given issue or topic. Those who defend and fight for light and truth, either in the earth or astral realms.

  1. The Unknown Lightworker: The Lightwarrior - YouTube
    Shared on Google+. View the post.
    21 Sep 2008 - 5 min - Uploaded by maianisantarai
    A video containing an article I wrote, introducing the concept of Lightwarriors.

From my Sacred Heart to Yours... BE love

"Streaming Gateways"

We are all gateways for the One Heart Fire ... flow-ers of Love

For today ...
Be Love,
            the Source,
                             the Flow,
                                          the Gateway
                                                            the Go ...
....  the outstreamings of the One HeartFire.

What cosmic truth,
                        infinite beauty,
                                         divine Light
                                                            is streaming forth today?

We are all gateways for the One HeartFire ... may Love flow.


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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!  

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Stay Grounded

" Rooted in Love "

The Heart of each Tree is a gateway,
held at the center point of Heaven and Earth,
a flow-er of Life pulsing Love for all to see.

For today ...
Join your Heart Fire with a tree that calls to you.
As possible, sit down next to it, feel the life force pulsing;
breathe in harmony as One.

Feel the HeartFire Gateway within Thee
open the Gateway at the Heart of the Tree
and let the wisdom contained within both Hearts
merge, inter-weave, and reveal fields of possibility
rooted in the Unified Field in which you both breathe.

Take note of what comes thru.
When complete, give Thanks to this cosmic being,
knowing you are both gateways
for the Blessed Source of Love to flow ... and grow.


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11-11-12 The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light I AM ALL THAT I AM

One Heart, One Love

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Boyzone - Words

Namaste, Blessings of Love and Light as your journey unfolds today. and so it is. 
"Fanning the Flames"

Who in your life fans the flames of the Heart Fire?
Is it an artist whose brush strokes stoke passions within?
Perhaps a child whose pure gaze sets the heart ablaze?
A dear friend whose loving, wise council seems to have no end?

A pet, a partner, a living prophet, a compassionate pastor?
A stranger whose presence makes your heart beat
mysteriously faster?

Give yourself the gift of surrounding yourself with those
who inspire, edify and uplift ... and know this ...

You, too, have the gift of Light; of stoking HeartFire's and
making a bosom burn bright.  Love grows both ways ...
through the Gateways of the HeartFire.


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

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us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and adding your Peace to
this Great Coming Together!  

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Welcome; Namaste

I felt compelled to go through some old journals and poetry today.

My day started with a disruption of energy that subsequently launched a series of events to ultimately guide me to where I am now. Physically, metaphorically, allegorically and emotionally.

I have been feeling off my game lately. Nothing huge, just some peripheral stuff that seems to erupt in the strangest places and times. 

I realize now; that it is a mourning process that I am going through.

The mourning involves separating myself from the duality and (ironically) separation consciousness of the world; and living in Divine Reality.

We use the word harmony to describe a quality or feeling that will be a result of being in unison or agreement with something that we previously thought of as being in opposition.

To want to BEcome in harmony with something, is to suggest that it was out of harmony.

But isn't that a duality too??

The Divine Reality is that we are not; and never have been out of Harmony.
That is the separation we have all been conditioned to believe; and I don't believe it any more.

So what is the impetus behind the mourning?? It is bittersweet. I know that what lays ahead for humanity is unprecedented and glorious for the ones who choose to embrace the new Divine Reality; but everyone is taking the journey at their own pace and choosing.

What I mourn is the fact that ultimately some people will fade from my life. This is not my choosing but inevitable. Like attracts like, and sometimes people aren't at the same level of growth and understanding. It makes it difficult to maintain relationships. It is just part of what happens as new energies for growth come into your life; others sometimes fade away. It is always an ebb and flow.

The disruption of energy this morning highlighted that. My son engaged me in a conversation which ultimately revealed itself to be test for me. At one point he actually said " well, you're going to have to change the way you think... I don't know how you get on in the world thinking like that". It drove home the fact that I have spent a great portion of my life undoing the very thing I was told I needed to DO; which is think like everyone else.. sorry, been there, done that , got the T-shirt.

So for now I feel like I am on the precipice of a cliff; hanging on to the fingertips of the last vestiges of the me that was.... the grip is getting weaker and weaker, and soon that part of me will slip away forever.

This is a poem I wrote at the tender age of nineteen; eyes open and likewise uncertain of the future. When I sift through the archives of my body and feel all the memories of what has transpired between then and now; I smile.

I am so freakin proud of myself for demonstrating the strength, tenacity and perseverance to stand in my Truth all these years.  Thank you God. For everything. And so it is.

Is it time for me to grow up yet?
Is it time for me to open these eyes so unworldly; 
so unsophisticated; so naive?
Must I at this point focus them to see what must be realized?
If so; 
I am frightened.

Not of the prospects of facing this ignorant world
and it's strategies;
But of facing them on my own.
Without someone giving me a kind word of accomplishment,
or a generous boost of my ego.

There will be no one to tell me kind lies to cover the disappointments and give me hope.
I will have only my own evaluation of what I am capable of,
and I must follow my heart and learn to be strong.

I know I can do it. I AM strong. I AM me.

But dear Lord please guide me because I am so frightened.

He guided me then, and still guides me now.
All that has transpired in between then and now, was in place to make me understand and know; beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all is Divine. This journey is an infinity loop of endless switchbacks and fusions of past, present and future. Nothing is out of harmony ever, and all has reason and purpose.


"Heart Aflame "

Know Thyself as the Fiery Light of Love.
Feel the Fiery Light of Love illuminate Thee.
See the Fiery Light of Love in All.
Be the Fiery Light of Love for Now and all Eternity.

For today
Imagine the Heart Fire within.  See the eternal glow,
feel the life-giving sparks, witness the beauty of it's
ever changing, dancing form.

Now go about the day, being present to the glow
of the Heart Fire in all you meet and greet: The two-legged
four-legged, winged-Ones, rock and mineral Beings,
standing tall Ones, finned Ones   yes, All our Relations.

How do our lives shift when we witness and
honor the HeartFire in ALL? 


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

Did you receive this message as a forwarded gift? Wish to join
us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
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Thank you for your presence and support!

The Gentle Way by Tom Moore - A Self-Help Guide For ThoseWho Believe In Angels

The Gentle Way by Tom Moore - A Self-Help Guide For ThoseWho Believe In Angels

Monday, 5 November 2012

Man did I call it or what !!!!???

See, isn't this stuff fun :) :) Talk about divine order,, this is just what I needed to
hear. Enjoy your day.                                                                                                "Pulse "
Its time to pulse
a hug
embracing YOU!
Its Time to pulse
Flaming centre
nurturing You
Its Time to Pulse
Liquid flame
Knowing You
Its Time to pulse
Completing You
Its time to pulse
Inside You
Its Time to Pulse
~ Rev. Kazzy Holbrook

What creative pulse is stoking the HeartFire in you?
Feel the radiant Light of Love calling you home to center …
Listen, listen again, then listen deeply.  Accept the wisdom
of this day, and act with Love as you grow about your way.

Today’s message comes from Rev. Kazzy Holbrook, birthed and shared
during our HeartFire Gateways journey.  We will continue to share these
heART  peaces, as inspired, in order to shine Light on our collective wisdom
and heart offerings.

If you have art, poetry, or articles you would like to offer for inclusion in the
series, please send them to  Please
let us know we have your permission to share, and we will include these,
as inspired.


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as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

Did you receive this message as a forwarded gift? Wish to join
us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and support!

When the student is ready the teacher appears; when the teacher is ready the master appears, and when the master is ready the student appears...

I've been gifted with many opportunities to Stand in the Truth of who I am of late. They have felt somewhat tender but not incapacitating. Like pressing on a bruise. A little ouchy at first, but the feeling subsides quickly.

I can sit here now and smile at the beauty of how and why the situations presented themselves, but I felt blind sided and pole axed there for a few days wondering what energy I was putting out to attract them.

I believe and KNOW from past experiences, that I Am a co creator in my life. I have the capacity through my sub conscious mind; to align myself with energy vibrations that will attract and create my desired outcome.

This is why I don't believe in random events and/or accidents. On every level, our thoughts...regardless of how small that piece of shrapnel is; can do massive amounts of co lateral damage.

It is not a punitive or selective process which dictates the outcome, but pure energy and vibrational alignment.

It should be noted that it is the thoughts we persistently and actively believe in our hearts to be true which are the ones that will be externalized in our outer world. " As a man thinketh in his Heart..."

We have a kazillion thoughts going through our noggins daily; thank goodness there is a delay button on the universe.

It is also no accident that my eldest and I have been having this same conversation in one form or another forever.

Lately, he has been actively ( only he doesn't know it) testing and succeeding in manifesting his desired outcome in various situations.

He was wheeling and dealing his way towards possessing a new X-box game with some eager bidders on Kijijji this past weekend. He put the play into motion and then walked away and forgot about it.

We went to Wal Mart that same day, and guess what he "found"? The game he wanted with a sticker price that was less than what he was going to pay on Kijijji. Then we got to the cash and when it was rung through it ended up being five dollars less than the sticker price. OMG,,  he looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.

He hasn't stopped talking about it yet and I know that if I reinforce the "spiritual" aspect; he will roll his eyes and counter it with some theory on how our brains collate random events and tries to string them into sequence..... same thing as far as I'm concerned.

The kid's a natural; and the kicker is that he knows how to engage a vital part of this process without realizing it. He is able to set his intention,,,,, and then forget about it and surrender to the outcome.

Many people get hung up on this law of attraction stuff. They feel it is a easy way to get what they want. And on some level it is. We aren't meant to be pious and poor on this amazing journey; " Seek first the Kingdom of God, and ALL else will be added unto you"...

But the acquisition of the external material"stuff" isn't , or shouldn't be; the impetus or reason for doing it. It is rather the resultant quality and feeling we acquire that motivates us. The feelings of security, love, independence; etc.

It is vital that we master the power of our subconscious mind and understand how to tap into that goldmine. This is the answer to everything. Once you are in perfect alignment and understanding of what you want to create within Your Sacred Heart; all else in your external world will be in alignment with, and a reflection of, that vibrational field of energy.

That's not to say you're not going to have glitches and hiccups every now and again. This is when you have to take responsibility and do what I call the backward domino approach.

I imagine tapping a black domino which subsequently sets into motion a series of other red dominoes. With each domino that falls, I take account of what thought or action was in place to create the outcome. Ultimately it leads me to a thought which I held in my energy. Having this information and understanding why the particular outcome happened; allows me to rectify the "perceived" damage, and get back on track.

This was the case with a series of recent events which really had me doubting myself.I know in my Heart that everything I do is so I can align myself with the aspect of myself that is God. I always seek the Highest and Best in every aspect of my life and desire only that which is a reflection of the Best of Me, to come into my life.

So it rattled me that I had been having challenges with attracting a male energy into my life. I know that this is an area which I have needed to heal and forgive; and I know I have. Yet I kept attracting individuals who were not resonating for one reason or another.

I beat myself up and as usual put too much emphasis on what I was doing wrong, rather than what was Divinely Right with the situations that I continued to present myself with.

It was no accident that information kept falling (literally and metaphorically) into my path.

I know now that the circumstances were in place to teach me how INVINCIBLE I AM... not how vulnerable.

I am trusting my intuition, acting on it , processing the information, getting right back up and in the saddle again, with my Heart open wider and with more clarity and insight than ever. I am forgiving and loving myself faster and blessing and loving the individuals who came into my awareness to play their part. I know that very little of what I do comes from a place of ego; I truly want others to feel and see the love that is available to them from Source, but this is their journey to take; not mine. I accept who I am in all my beauty, splendor, grace and humility and know that my intention is always to be an expression of God.

I learned that my Divine humanness does not preclude me from wanting to have a loving physical relationship, and that I am not settling for anything less than the best for myself. I learned that I had been compromising on the qualities of what I truly desired, because I had been feeling vulnerable; and I was vulnerable because I was feeling like I was lacking something,,, and I was. PATIENCE and TRUST in Divine Order.

The very quality my eldest son and greatest teacher demonstrated this weekend.

See how the thread always comes back to SELF.

We always have free will and choice,,,, we can choose to reflect the Light of the World; or BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, but at some point we have to shine the Light on ourselves.

Be kind to yourself dear friend; and know that you are always supported and loved.

Blessings of Joy, Laughter, Love and Abundance as you open your Heart and Mind to all the infinite choices and beauty of the Universe.
And so it is.


Sunday, 4 November 2012

"Fire within "

Sky above me
Earth below me
Fire within
~ unknown

Centered between
Heaven and Earth
Dark and Light
our Heart Fire is a gateway
bridging Now with All that IS.

This Fire lights the Way,
while forging a New World.
Changing and re-arranging
matter from one form to another
in a fiery dance of creation.

we are forging new pathways,
new structures,
new foundations
new imaginings coming to fruition.

The wisdom of our experience
is paving the Way  laying a solid foundation
on which to build our dreams.

What bricks of Love will you set into place today?
How healthy are your boundaries?  Is it time to
create new bridges and pathways or simply
tend and nurture the ones in place?

What intentions and visions in your life are ready to be fired,
forged and settled into new form?  Go for it, knowing every
action born of Love adds a˜peace’ to the Great Coming Together!


Feel free to play these Heart Sparks messages forward, and share
as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

Did you receive this message as a forwarded gift? Wish to join
us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
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Thank you for your presence and support!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

" Opening in Sweet Surrender"

For today
feel the Gateway of the Heart Fire
opening, opening, opening
sweetly surrendering to Love,
Birthing Light into the world.

Tune in. Feel into Divine Inner Truth to complete this

When opening and surrendering to Love, I AM

Feel free to play these Heart Sparks messages forward, and share
as inspired.  We simply ask each message remain in its original
state, with all links and credit in place.

Did you receive this message as a forwarded gift? Wish to join
us for the full 42 day journey?  As so, go here to begin:

Contribution Gifts: If you would like to support the HeartFire
experience and gain access to the private blog, archive of all
daily messages and/or Tele-Gathering gifts, you may visit the
following link at any time to do so:

Thank you for your presence and support!

A thousand kisses deep....

" I'm good at Love, I'm good at Hate... it's in between I freeze..." Leonard Cohen
  1. Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep [Sharon Robinson]
    Shared on Google+. View the post.
    24 Jun 2011 - 7 min - Ballechetacca
    Album: Ten New Songs (2001)

It is this illusive " in between " that can be very challenging for all of us.

This is the "middle way" which most Eastern religions speak of; and requires great discipline to master.

It is easy to flip flop back and forth between the dualities of emotion and feel very justified in doing so. This is what we have been conditioned to do. But the middle way, is standing outside of a situation and observing it without EMOTION.

Emotion is Energy in Motion. It is a feeling but with judgment, conditioning, opinions, and past experiences attached.

The middle way is all about releasing the attachment to a certain outcome.
It is about releasing our personal will and ego and aligning with Prime Creators will; and understanding that in order to live in the NOW moment, we must resist the urge to figure everything out. It just is.

This is the bit which requires us to commit to daily and consistent practices of prayer, meditation and forgiveness. It is only in the silence of our Hearts that the answers and insights to our perceived challenges come.

And then,,, we are required to ACT on the information.

I wish you well on your journey today my dear friend; whoever and where ever you are; know that you are loved and supported, and that there is NOT A SPOT WHERE GOD IS NOT.

Love, Light, Abundance, Prosperity and JOY to you.
