The last few days have left me feeling agitated and pole axed. That gripping solar plexus, elevator dropping, jarring feeling; like you want to move , but can't pry yourself away from the scene of a fatal accident.
Although what I am witnessing isn't horrific or fatal,, it is visceral and real. A mourning. A celebration. A pain in the ass because I thought this shit was done. But it is the gift that keeps on giving; this journey of self mastery.(she said tongue firmly planted in cheek) I feel spent, I feel bamboozled and like I was sold a bill of goods; and yet by the time these words plant themselves on the screen; I am laughing at how perfect and right it should be that I feel all of those things and I am blessing all of it. Humanity is undergoing the wonderful shift towards a unified consciousness. I can feel it. I see evidence of it daily. And the most overwhelming and accurate evidence; is the fact that so many of us are feeling disjointed and misaligned. As old stories and paradigms break down, it's only natural that we slip slide momentarily until we get our purchase on something solid. Even though I have been consciously creating and working with the energies of the changing New Earth template for over 30 years; I'm still in the process of evolving and spiraling upward. Physically I feel vibrant, alive, energized and more youthful than ever; but I also feel and see more pain everywhere. I know it's not mine to take on, but I am now learning how to hold , focus and transmit the light for others. It's kinda what I signed up for. I'm not complaining,,, just venting. This path is a lonely one sometimes. and there aren't many who get it,,, and since I don't like kvetching to others... I am doing it here. It is after all why I started this in the first place LOL..... breathe, release, breathe, release,,,,, and so it is. tyg
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