Greetings dear friend,
As you can see by the gap in posts, I haven't been here in awhile.
There has been an explosion of information, pages, websites etc which has been captivating my attention.
This blog served it's purpose at the time; it was a means for me to express myself and heal some energies.
Now, I feel I can be of more use being a cheerleader and support system for others who are finding their way.
I will leave the site up. Blessings to you on your journey.
Be kind to yourself.
- Katie
- Canada
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
" you lookin at me, cuz if you're lookin at me, I'm lookin at you..."
It's not always easy "being in the world , but not of it" . I kinda sorta want to fit in ; but not at the cost of compromising my integrity , values or Truth.
My core Truth is that IAM a multidimensional Divine Human BEing. Everything else is an effect of that knowledge. Easy Peasy LOL
My acid test these days for calibrating if something stays or goes in my life is simple. I desire to be surrounded with people and situations that make my soul sing, and advance my journey to REmember and reconnect with all of the divine aspects of myself.
I understand that everyone is at a stage of development that is right and perfect for them; and I honor that, but when I'm sharing energy with people that I constantly have to "cancel, release or affirm... that may be your reality but it's not mine" when they speak..... then chances are I won't spend much time with them.
I am honoring my souls growth more than ever; and I consciously choose to be in energy that is empowering and loving. ALL IS ENERGY, and I find that knowing this makes it less personal and easier to shift and move the disruptions of energy that come my way.
And so it is.
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Lightworkers Creed
I ask that Spirit walk with me this day and that I have the courage to carry this Truth within me in all that I do. To fully stand in my own Truth and Power is to honor the Spirit within.
Help me this day to RE member both who IAM, and who I am not.
Who IAM is magnificent, yet to carry a facade of who I am not, only detracts from that magnificence.
To accept the truth of my own limitations, clears the path to carrying my true power.
I know that holding my power is only possible when I am not afraid of being vulnerable.
This day I will balance my ego by checking it often and see my true motivations.
I accept the power that is rightfully mine and will use it to create Home on this side of the veil.
I ask that I may allow Spirit to emanate from me to all who choose to look upon me, that I may be a perfect mirror so that they may see the God / Creator / Source / All that is / within themselves.
Help me to touch their hearts with my love and allow them to RE member home and who they really are as I RE member who IAM.
As Spirit walks with me this day I remember to give thanks for the gift of Spirit on my shoulder. May I always use it to the highest good of all concerned.
I vow to enjoy this day to its fullest and to laugh at every opportunity.
This day I will play the wonderful Game and I will carry the vibrations of Home in every move on the Game board.
This day I will RE member. and so it is.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
RE EVOLution

The last few days have left me feeling agitated and pole axed. That gripping solar plexus, elevator dropping, jarring feeling; like you want to move , but can't pry yourself away from the scene of a fatal accident.
Although what I am witnessing isn't horrific or fatal,, it is visceral and real. A mourning. A celebration. A pain in the ass because I thought this shit was done. But it is the gift that keeps on giving; this journey of self mastery.(she said tongue firmly planted in cheek) I feel spent, I feel bamboozled and like I was sold a bill of goods; and yet by the time these words plant themselves on the screen; I am laughing at how perfect and right it should be that I feel all of those things and I am blessing all of it. Humanity is undergoing the wonderful shift towards a unified consciousness. I can feel it. I see evidence of it daily. And the most overwhelming and accurate evidence; is the fact that so many of us are feeling disjointed and misaligned. As old stories and paradigms break down, it's only natural that we slip slide momentarily until we get our purchase on something solid. Even though I have been consciously creating and working with the energies of the changing New Earth template for over 30 years; I'm still in the process of evolving and spiraling upward. Physically I feel vibrant, alive, energized and more youthful than ever; but I also feel and see more pain everywhere. I know it's not mine to take on, but I am now learning how to hold , focus and transmit the light for others. It's kinda what I signed up for. I'm not complaining,,, just venting. This path is a lonely one sometimes. and there aren't many who get it,,, and since I don't like kvetching to others... I am doing it here. It is after all why I started this in the first place LOL..... breathe, release, breathe, release,,,,, and so it is. tyg
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Buddha Blessings
Thursday, 20 December 2012
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